If you do not have a code yet, contact us to get one today!
&pet_name=Nala - The name of the pet. &pet_type=Dog - The type of pet (Dog or Cat). &pet_gender=Male - The gender of the pet (Male or Female) &pet_breed=Affenpinscher - The breed of the (dog or cat) &pet_age_in_days=365 - The age of the (dog or cat) &customer_first_name=Jhon - first name of the owner &customer_last_name=Gruber - last name of the owner &customer_zipcode=88901 - zipcode of the owner &customer_email=jhon.gruber@gmail.com - email address of the owner &customer_phone=3053422926 - phone number of the owner &customer_birthday=09-21-1998 - birthday in format MM-DD-yyyy || MM/DD/yyyy || MMDDyyyy of the owner. &customer_address=303 Oak Street - address of the owner &customer_address_complement=Apartment 201 - address complement of the owner &embedded_payment=true - optional embedded payment in the iframe &enable_multi_pet=true - optional property to enable the multi-pet feature. Accepts "true" to activate and adds support for managing multiple pets. &enable_customization=true - optional property to enable the customization feature. Accepts "true" to activate and allows personalized experiences for the user. &utm_campaign=your_utm_campaign - required utm campaing &utm_discount=your_utm_discount - optional discount code &hide_kanguro_link_out= false - optional to hide kanguro link out in the second page &pl_warrenty_manager_code= null - if you want to protect the opt out on the last page by a code, put this code here. Examples: 9349, superSecret, abc123 &opt_out_text=false - optional, change the text to an alternative one in the Warrenty Pop Up. Requires the pl_warrenty_manager_code property to work.
if (event.origin === 'https://embedd.kanguroseguro.com') { if (event?.data?.type === 'success') { if (event?.data?.status === 'DismissAction') { // This event get's triggered when the user selects // "Later" on the second page of the widget // Possibly navigate to a URL or perform cleanup // event?.data?.data?.quoteId contains the quote ID // event?.data?.data?.quoteResultUrl contains the url // where the user can finish the quote } else if (event?.data?.status === 'OpenQuoteExternal') { // This event get's triggered when the user selects // the "Get now" button on the second page // The iframe will open the page in an new browser tab. // You might want to do something additional, // like storing the url for later use } else if (event?.data?.status === 'Completed') { // This event get's triggered when the user has completed // the quote and the iframe is showing the final page // event?.data?.data?.quoteId contains the quote ID // event?.data?.data?.quoteResultUrl contains the url // where the user can finish the quote } else if (event?.data?.status === 'WarrentyOptOut') { // This event is triggered upon completion of the Petlands warranty process. } } else if (event?.data?.type === 'error') { if (event?.data?.error === 'InternalError' | 'PaymentFailed' | 'InternalErrorPreQuote') { // This event get's triggered when the user has an error // event?.data?.quoteId contains the quote ID // event?.data?.quoteResultUrl contains the url } } }
It's working, try it out!