Kanguro Quote Widget

Step 1: Configure your widget

If you do not have a code yet, contact us to get one today!

Step 2: Copy the iframe code and paste it into your website
🎉 Thats it! You can now start collecting leads with Kanguro! 🎉
Optional Step 3: Prefill the data
The kanguro iframe allows you to pre-fill data in it with data that you already have. It's done by adding parameters to the end of the url in the iframe. The following attributes are supported:
&pet_name=Nala - The name of the pet.
&pet_type=Dog - The type of pet (dog or cat).
&pet_gender=male - The gender of the pet (male or female)
&pet_breed=Affenpinscher - The breed of the (dog or cat)
&pet_age_in_days=365 - The age of the (dog or cat)
&customer_first_name=Jhon - first name of the owner
&customer_last_name=Gruber - last name of the owner
&customer_zipcode=88901 - zipcode of the owner
&customer_email=jhon.gruber@gmail.com - email address of the owner
&customer_phone=3053422926 - phone number of the owner
&customer_birthday=09-21-1998 - birthday in format MM-DD-yyyy of the owner
&customer_address=303 Oak Street - address of the owner
&customer_address_complement=Apartment 201 - address complement of the owner
&embedded_payment=true - optional embedded payment in the iframe
&utm_campaign=your_utm_campaign - required utm campaing
&utm_discount=your_utm_discount - optional discount code
&hide_kanguro_link_out= false - Optional to hide kanguro link out in the second page
&pl_warrenty_manager_code= null - If you want to protect the opt out on the last page by a code,
	put this code here. Examples: 9349, superSecret, abc123
&opt_out_text=false - optional, change the text to an alternative one in the Warrenty Pop Up.
	Requires the pl_warrenty_manager_code property to work.
Optional Step 4: If you want to react to events in the frame
The kanguro iframe sends a events on a few occasions. You can see them by trying the widget on the right: You will see a alert pop up every time an event is sent to the website it is included in. You can simply ignore those events, or you can improve you experience based on it.
if (event.origin === 'https://embedd.kanguroseguro.com') {
   if (event?.data?.type === 'success') {
      if (event?.data?.status === 'DismissAction') {
         // This event get's triggered when the user selects
         // "Later" on the second page of the widget
         // Possibly navigate to a URL or perform cleanup
         // event?.data?.data?.quoteId contains the quote ID
         // event?.data?.data?.quoteResultUrl contains the url
         // where the user can finish the quote
      } else if (event?.data?.status === 'OpenQuoteExternal') {
         // This event get's triggered when the user selects
         //  the "Get now" button on the second page
         // The iframe will open the page in an new browser tab.
         // You might want to do something additional,
         // like storing the url for later use
      } else if (event?.data?.status === 'Completed') {
         // This event get's triggered when the user has completed
         // the quote and the iframe is showing the final page
         // event?.data?.data?.quoteId contains the quote ID
         // event?.data?.data?.quoteResultUrl contains the url
         // where the user can finish the quote
      } else if (event?.data?.status === 'WarrentyOptOut') {
         // This event is triggered upon completion of the Petlands warranty process.
   } else if (event?.data?.type === 'error') {
      if (event?.data?.error === 'InternalError' | 'PaymentFailed' | 'InternalErrorPreQuote') {
         // This event get's triggered when the user has an error
         // event?.data?.quoteId contains the quote ID
         // event?.data?.quoteResultUrl contains the url
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